Beau Jocque & the Zydeco Hi-Rollers

NewMusicforOldFolks says …
Nothing livens up a dull party like slipping Beau Jocque & the Zydeco Hi-Rollers into the musical rotation. People tap their feet and shake their butts while asking "What is this?" Beau Jocque died, literally, in the last century. But in every important way, he made new music. He took a traditional sound, Cajun/Zydeco, and turned it into something modern and funky. With respect to the current song, this is all about this bass. As one of his albums said, Check It Out, Lock It In, Crank It Up. Unfortunately, Beau Jocque died of a heart attack in 1999, but his spirit lives on in his recordings, and perhaps more importantly, in the zydeco bands that continue to play his songs. Start with the best of collection, then expand your own collection if you like that.
Artist's Info
Record company: Rounder
Genre: Zydeco mixed with Funk and R&B
If you like this, look into: Buckwheat Zydeco, Boozoo Chavis, Nathan & The Zydeco Cha Chas
Bio (From
Beau Jocque was born Andrus Espre. He was also known to write poetry, and preach about respecting nature. He spent nine years in the Air Force, then came home to work as an electrician and welder. After a work-related accident, which left him bedridden for a time, he began playing accordion. Soon after, he put a band together, including his wife, Shelly on rubboard. By 1989, just two years after his accident, Espree was one of the biggest draws on the Louisiana zydeco circuit.Andrus grew up speaking Louisiana French and spoke it fluently. A large man (6-foot-7, 270 pounds) he took the stage name "Beau Jocque," which is Louisiana Creole for "Big Guy." After only a few years, he had revolutionized the zydeco scene, adding funk and rock elements with his band, the Hi-Rollers. Beau Jocque is known for his gruff vocals, his fusion of many musical styles onto zydeco, and above all, for the powerful energy of his rhythm and sound. Backed by the Hi-Rollers, he became one of the top dance-hall acts of his musical decade. He recorded and performed many songs in both Louisiana French and Louisiana Creole languages. Beau Jocque died of a heart attack in 1999.
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Most Recent
THE BEST OF BEAU JOCQUE & THE ZYDECO HI-ROLLERS (2001): Beau Jocque is the stage name of Andrus Espre, a giant of a man who added funk bass, Peter Frampton-style talk-box guitar, and the occasional drum loop to the down-home sound of zydeco in the 1990s and became one of the genre's biggest stars. This collection selects 13 tracks from his seven Rounder releases, including originals like "Give Him Cornbread," his biggest hit (which has since become a zydeco standard); "Damballah," a percussive romp named for a voodoo deity; and "Richard's Club," a hard-driving ode to a favorite hangout. Beau Jocque has a deep, rumbling voice that recalls Howlin' Wolf and an infectious danceable accordion style inspired by Boozoo Chavis, but his canny blend of funk, soul, rock, reggae, and zydeco is all his own.
My Name is Beau Jocque (1994)
Gonna Take You Downtown (1996)
Git It Beau Jocque (live) (1998)
Beau Jocque Boogie (1998)
Check It Out, Lock It In, Crank It Up (1998)
Pick Up On This! (1998)
Zydeco Giant (1999)
Give Him Cornbread Live (2000)