Tedeschi Trucks Band

NewMusicforOldFolks says …
What happens when you take one of the best blues singers out there and you add a truly great slide guitar player? They make babies. At least that's what happened with Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks. And, like many families, they were better together than either of them were individually. Don't get me wrong, Susan's solo work is excellent and the Derek Trucks band put out some great albums before it was folded in to the TTB. But together they're electric out front together with a 10-piece band and must be experienced live to truly appreciate.
Artist's Info
Website: tedeschitrucksband.com
See them live: Tour dates
Record company: Fantasy
See Also: Susan Tedeschi, Derek Trucks Band
Genre: Blues, Jam, R&B
If you like this, look into: Widespread Panic, Warren Haynes, The Black Crowes
Bio (From the artist's website)
“Freedom is another word,” so the song went back in an easier and less costly time, “for nothing left to lose.” Freedom—the kind that Tedeschi Trucks Band has created for themselves since their inception in 2010—has come at a much higher price and required a deeper sense of dedication. It’s the kind of freedom that has allowed them to keep a band that has grown to more than a dozen musicians and crew on the road for five years, garnering an ever-increasing international audience, while developing a musical identity that has yielded original, award-winning recordings. (more)
Spotify sampler
Most Recent
MADE UP MIND (2013): Made Up Mind is the highly anticipated follow-up to Tedeschi Trucks Band's 2011 Grammy-winning debut Revelator and last year's scorching live collection, Everybody's Talkin'. Through unparalleled musicianship and a timeless, authentic sound, Made Up Mind proves that TTB is fast becoming a band for the ages. TTB is known for their extraordinary family of musicians, and the album continues that tradition as most tracks were penned by husband-and-wife Tedeschi and Trucks along with various friends and co-writers Doyle Bramhall II, Eric Krasno, Gary Lour's, John Leventhal all of whom also contributed to TTB's debut Revelator. The album was also co-produced by Jim Scott (Johnny Cash, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Wilco) and Trucks, and engineered by Bobby Tis - the same team that developed the last two TTB albums.

LET ME GET BY (2016) — Let Me Get By is the third studio album from Tedeschi Trucks Band, featuring ten new, original songs that stand together as a testament to the spirit and commitment of the tightly-knit 12-member ensemble. Driven by Susan's soaring, spiritually charged vocals and Derek's masterfully lyrical slide-guitar, the band's musical talents are on display in full force. From 'Anyhow' - a declaration of devotion highlighting the album's theme of breaking away - to the funky and uplifting title track, Let Me Get By delivers a sonic journey filled with the barnstorming energy, soulful vibes and roots-based rock that no band delivers better.
Revelator (2011)
Everybody's Talkin' (live) (2012)