Duke Robillard

NewMusicForOldFolks says …
Duke Robillard is one of the must prolific Blues recording artists out there. The force behind the founding of Roomful of Blues in the early 1980s, Robillard has been playing solo, doing session work on others' albums and teaming with the likes of Ronnie Earl and The Fabulous Thunderbirds ever since. As you can see from the list of recordings below, there are literally dozens of albums to choose from if you're going to make Duke Robillard part of your collection. I'd start with 1999's New Blues For The Modern Man, but there's probably not a bad choice in the bunch. I must confess that I haven't heard them all.
Artist's Info
Website: dukerobillard.com
See him live: Tour dates
Record company: Stony Plain Records
Genre: Blues
If you like this, look into: Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters, Joe Louis Walker, Lurrie Bell
Bio (From the artist's website)
Here’s a quick quiz: What do Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Jay McShann, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, John Hammond, the late Jimmy Witherspoon, Dr. John, Maria Muldaur, Roomful of Blues, and the Canadian band The Rockin’ Highliners all have in common? Answer: Duke Robillard. Guitarist. Bandleader. Songwriter. Singer. Producer. Session musician. And a one-man cheering section for the blues, in all its forms and permutations. And every one of those names has shared recording studio space or stage time with a man who is a legend in the blues community. (more)
Spotify sampler
Most Recent
THE ACOUSTIC BLUES AND ROOTS OF DUKE ROBILLARD (2015): The Acoustic Blues & Roots Of Duke Robillard presents Robillard’s love of vintage blues, jazz and swing, with a selection of vocal and instrumental cuts. This is his very first acoustic album in a career that spans over five decades. Robillard has worked with Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Roomful Of Blues, Fabulous Thunderbirds and dozens of blues legends. He has been nominated for two Grammy Awards and has won “Blues Guitarist Of The Year” four times. Special guests include Maria Muldaur, Jay McShann and Mary Flower.
Duke Robillard & The Pleasure Kings (1984)
Too Hot to Handle (1985)
Swing (1987)
You Got Me (1988)
Rockin' Blues (1988)
Turn it Around (1991)
After Hours Swing Session (1992)
Temptation (1994)
Duke's Blues (1996)
Dangerous Place (1997)
Duke Robillard Plays Jazz (1997)
Duke Robillard Plays Blues (1997)
Stretchin' Out Live (1998)
New Blues for Modern Man (1999)
Jimmy Witherspoon with The Duke Robillard Band (1999)
Explorer (2000)
Living with the Blues (2000)
Living With The Blues (2002)
More Conversations in Swing Guitar (2002)
Exalted Lover (2003)
Blue Mood (2003)
New Guitar Summit (2004) - Jay Geils, Duke Robillard, Gerry Beaudoin
The Duke Meets The Earl - with Ronnie Earl (2005)
Guitar Groove-A-Rama (2006)
World of Blues (2007)
Duke's Box (2009)
Stomp! The Blues Tonight (2009)
Passport to the Blues (2010)
Low Down And Tore Up (2011)
Independently Blue (2013)
Calling All Blues (2014)