The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band

NewMusicForOldFolks says …
The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band is really not that big — Just a three-piece — but the sound is certainly big. Led by the big voice and riven bigger picking of Josh "Reverend" Peyton. The Rev's wife, Breezy, actually plays the washboard and Ben "Bird Dog" Russell is the drummer. The sound is exactly what you think it would be from the group pictured above. And I mean that in the best way possible. It's countryfied Blues at its best. The newest album, So Delicious, is a party from the beginning to the end.
Artist's Info
See them live: Tour dates
Record company: Shanachie
Genre: Blues, Rock ’n Roll
If you like this, look into: North Mississippi Allstars, Southern Culture on the Skids, Jumpin' Johnny Sansone
Bio (From the artist's webpage)
The Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band bridges genres and eras with an intensity and effortlessness few contemporary artists possess. And their new album So Delicious elevates the trio’s work to a new level. Produced by Rev. Peyton, So Delicious offers the band’s most diverse collection of songs buoyed by the Rev.’s supercharged six-string virtuosity — a unique style of fingerpicking inspired by his Delta blues heroes, but taken to new, original heights. (more)
Spotify sampler
Most Recent
SO DELICIOUS (2014): So Delicious is a perfect Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band album, with songs that speak from the heart and capture the trio — whose sound has been honed over 250 annual tour dates during the last eight years — playing at their peak. The charging, anthemic “Raise a Little Hell,” also the set’s first video, lays out the band’s live modus operandi, thriving on Bussell’s and Breezy’s chugging beat and the Rev.’s resonator guitar riffs and mantra-like singing. The song was inspired by a show at a folk festival, where one of the promoters — struck by the Big Damn Band’s raucous, juke joint power — told the Rev., “Y’all sure raise a lot of hell.”“I said, ‘Naw we don’t,’ “ the Rev. recalls. “And then I thought, ‘Well, maybe we do raise a little hell.’
Big Damn Nation (2006)
The Gospel Album (2007)
The Whole Fam Damnily (2008)
The Wages (2010)
Peyton on Patton (2011)
Between The Ditches (2012)