NMFOF trivia contest/scavenger hunt

This is the first trivia quiz/scavenger hunt here at newmusicforoldfolks.com. Below is a list of 20 questions. The answers to all 20 are profiled in the artists section of the website. The winner of the contest will get a T-shirt (or something of equal value) from the merchandise section of the website of the NMFOF artist of their choice.
First, there are some rules:
When you think you have the answers to all 20 questions, email them to info@newmusicforoldfolks.com. If you missed any answers, I will email you with the number of correct answers in your entry. I will not, however, tell you which answers are right and which are wrong.
When I have received 20 entries with all 20 answers correct, one of those 20 will be chosen at random to win the prize. (There may be some advantage to speed, but those with jobs and lives will not be totally left out.)
If fewer than 20 entries with 100-percent scores are received by Aug. 1, 2016, one of the correct entries will be chosen.
If nobody gets all 20 questions correct, the entry with the most correct answers on Aug. 1 will be declared the winner.
Prize: The winner will be contacted by email and allowed to choose the artist and T-Shirt design of his or her choice (max $25 plus shipping). I know it’s not a lot, but never underestimate what Americans will do for a free T-Shirt.
So, with the rules cleared up, here are the questions. Some are easier than others.
1) Which of the profiled artists has won an Oscar?
2) Which artist has a back-up band called “The Absolute Monster Gentlemen?”
3) Which artist has an album named Embrace The Chaos?
4) Which two artists are father and son?
5) Which artist was the bass player for Otis Day & The Knights in the movie Animal House?
6) Which band is fronted by a husband and wife duo?
7) Which band is fronted by a guy wearing a fez?
8) Which band is so funky it has two bass players?
9) Which band’s frontman and lead singer is one of the Neville Brothers?
10) Which artist wrote and performed the 1979 song “Wondering Where The Lions Are?”
11) Which profiled solo artist is the drummer for another profiled band?
12) Which profiled band is made up completely of Native American musicians?
13) Which profiled artist played his first professional gig at age 5?
14) Which profiled band is fronted by singer Brittany Howard?
15) Which profiled band did President Obama say he wanted to go see perform soon after he leaves office?
16) Which artist shares a name with one of the seven wonders of the modern world?
17) Bass player Dave Schools plays with what two profiled bands?
18) Which profiled artist is the brother of a Rock ’n Roll Hall of Fame member?
19) Which profiled band is fronted by a saxophone player who regularly tours with the Rolling Stones?
20) Which profiled artist shares a name with a character from a movie released in 1961?
So there it is, the first NMFOF trivia quiz/scavenger hunt. Get your entries in and I’ll keep you informed of the results.