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Waco Brothers

NewMusicForOldFolks says …

The Chicago-based Waco Brothers have been described as part Cash and part Clash. That, evidently, is where Country meets Punk. And it's a pretty good description Cow Punk and also of the Wacos. Three-minute burst of energy with just enough twang to allow them to wear cowboy hats and boots if they wish. The albums, especially the latest Going Down in History, are good, but the way to experience this band is live, They seem to stay pretty close to the Midwest. The exceptions are frequent trips to Austin, Texas. Catch them if they come to your town.

Artist's Info

See them live: Tour dates

Record company: Bloodshot Records

Genre: Alternative Country

If you like this, look into: Old 97s, The Bottle Rockets, Cracker

Bio (From

The Waco Brothers was formed by Jon Langford of the Mekons. The group grew out of Langford's wish to play more country-influenced music as the Mekons concentrated more on a punk sound. They were originally put together simply for local Chicago shows, but the success of their Bloodshot Records albums allowed them to tour the US occasionally. Many of the members also participate in Langford's Pine Valley Cosmonauts project. (more)

Spotify sampler


Most Recent

GOING DOWN IN HISTORY (2016): With a devil-may-care attitude towards polish and finesse, Going Down in History captures the thrill ride rush of the Waco Brothers’ live shows. Through the improvisational and fluid approach they adopted at Chicago’s Kingsize Sound Labs with longtime collaborator Mike Hagler at the knobs, the songs took on a muscularity and cohesiveness of an album unlike any previous Wacos recordings. Their pioneering Cash-meets-Clash jet engine mash up is still there, to be sure, but the Wacos have turned their well-scuffed boot heels towards their roots as never before. They have gone back to the future, down in history to celebrate and transform that which came before them.


  • To the Last Dead Cowboy (1995)

  • Cowboy in Flames (1997)

  • Do You Think About Me? (1997)

  • Wacoworld (1999)

  • Electric Waco Chair (2000)

  • New Deal (2002)

  • Nine Slices of My Midlife Crisis (2004)

  • Freedom and Weep (2005)

  • Waco Express The Waco Brothers Live and Kickin' at Schuba's Tavern (2008)

  • Great Chicago Fire [with Paul Burch] (2012)

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