Danielle Nicole

NewMusicForOldFolks says …
Danielle Nicole is the bassist and lead singer for the Kansas City based band Trampled Under Foot. The guitarist and drummer are her brothers, Nick and Kris Schnebelen. Like with most sets of siblings, there's a certain amount of rivalry. After more than a decade together, the band plays mostly in reunion shows these days. Nick and Danielle have begun solo careers and you only have to hear her sing once to know Danielle is more than able to carry the show on her own. Add in the first-class bass playing and you've got a top-flight band. Her newest album, Cry No More, is very good and she's on tour backing it up.
Artist's Info
Website: daniellenicolekc.com
See her live: Tour dates
Record company: Concord Records
Genre: Blues
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Bio (From the artist's website)
Danielle Nicole's distinctive, inventive bass work—which resulted in her becoming the first woman to win the Blues Foundation's 2014 Blues Music Award for Best Instrumentalist, Bass—is the product of years of intensive roadwork. Although she had no experience with the instrument when she became Trampled Under Foot's bassist, now she can't imagine life without it. "When I started doing my solo thing," she said, "someone asked me if I was gonna hire a bass player. No, of course not! I originally picked up the bass to keep Trampled Under Foot a family band, but I really fell in love with it. It was a huge challenge, and it still is. (more)
Spotify sampler
CRY NO MORE (2018): Founding member, lead singer, and bass player of Kansas City blues-rock band Trampled Under Foot, Danielle Nicole stepped out on her own in 2015 with her debut album Wolf Den. In 2018, Nicole returns with a follow-up release Cry No More via Concord Records. "I grew up playing the blues, and the blues is still a big part of what I do. But now I'm reaching out more and trying different things. It still sounds like me, but I'm stretching out a lot more than I have previously."
Wolf Den (2015)