The Keeshea Pratt Band

NewMusicForOldFolks says …
The Keeshea Pratt band was the 2018 winner of the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, Tenn. Having won the Houston-area qualifier the band took Memphis by storm and joined past winners such as Trampled Under Foot, JP Soars & The Red Hots, Selwyn Birchwood and The Delgado Brothers. Others such as Susan Tedeschi and Tommy Castro have competed in the Memphis and didn't win. One of the perks of winning the contest is a gig on the Legendary Rhythm & Blues Cruise the following year. Pratt and her band played multiple shows on the ship and nobody who caught one of those performances has any questions about why they triumphed. The band's album, Believe, is very good, but seeing The Keeshea Pratt Band live is the the way to go.
Artist's Info
See them live: Tour dates
Record company: Keeshea Pratt Band
Genre: Blues, Soul
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Bio (From the artist's website)
The Houston based, award winning Keeshea Pratt Band possesses the skill and artistry reminiscent of old school Motown; a rarity among bands of any genre today. The 8 piece musical collective, lends its energy and passion to traditional blues, contemporary blues and offers a preview to the future of blues. The musical artistry and dexterity of The Keeshea Pratt Band allows it to journey unapologetically across the genres of classical, jazz, Southern rock, soul, gospel, and country and back again. (more)
Spotify sampler
BELIEVE (2018): There has been an elite array of influences with unique sounds and styles that has cultivated Pratt’s alluring and spirited presentation. She’s an artist that appreciates all genres and refuses to be put in a box, and her connection with her audience allows her to tap into whatever their mood is and render an offering of shear vocal pleasure. She is taking her music career to another level and is positioning herself to become a sought after recording artist. She and her band recently released their debut album Believe in May 2018.